Long-time readers of my blog—both of you!—will notice a new look for my website. The old site started running in July 2011. By the fall of 2016, it was time for a makeover. I am not someone who likes change—I still have t-shirts dating back to 2000—but every now and then it’s necessary to get with the program.
I hope the new website has a sleek, elegant look. That’s the plan, anyway.
I extend special thanks to my friend and colleague Gabriel Botet, who designed the new website and painstakingly transferred material from my old site to the new one. I would never have had the patience, much less the ability, to implement the change on my own. Thanks, Gabriel!
The website remains a work in progress. I have kept most of the features from the old site, but I tried to minimize the clutter. I am a great lover of clutter, so it has been a challenge to cut things to the bone.
Onward and upward in 2017. Happy New Year to all!